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March 31, 2022

How to avoid Study visa Fraud

Study visa is a fraud has emerged as one of the biggest problem for candidates who are interested in studying abroad. As studying abroad is quite popular these days and every year thousands of students apply for study visa. Hence with the increased demand there has been increased cases of frauds as well. There so many fake agents who trick students or candidates in name of applying their application to study abroad and charge them hefty amount of money. No the question is how to avoid study visa frauds. Here are few tips on how can you avoid getting scammed:

Work full time and no need to attend classes

Most of the students get tempted by their claim that on study visa you can work full time and you don’t have to attend classes. This is NOT TRUE. In any country an international student is not allowed working full time during their course of study. Moreover, there is set percentage of you attendance in the college. If an agent claims that you can work full time and skip your classes you should run away from that agent as fast as you because they are tricking you.

In fact in today’s world every single detail of do’s and don’t’s are given on the official sites of the respective country you are interested in

Always Check the college online

Now we all know that there are certain requirements of every college and university. So if an agent is telling you that you got admission in certain college or university, always check their website and see for yourself that if you meet up with their requirements. If an agent promises and guarantees your admission in a particular college or university without even checking you academics, you should be alarmed as they are trying to scam you. As no college or university can guarantee your admission before applying.

Emphasis more on work then study

If your consultant emphasis more on the work you will get rather than your academics then you should take a hint and get aware that they are just trying to lure you in. Your study visa application should be focused on the type of course you are going to study not on the type of work you will get once you get your study visa.

Some might suggest that once you get your study visa you just need to enter the country and can do any kind of work; that’s not true because study visa is to study, it doesn’t not mean you get the work permit yes you are allowed to work part time with set limited time duration but nor full time.

You should always check the official website to get the correct information. There are registered agents out there and you should do you proper research get in contact with them. Always check their credentials. Read about the reviews and read about the people they have helped. Visa Nation has been helping students to achieve their dream of studying abroad. Feel free to contact our representative and you will see the difference.